International Cable Protection Committee

Sharing the seabed and oceans in harmony

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Updated Monday 25 November 2024
2024 ICPC – CIL Workshop Report: Law of the Sea and Submarine Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 5.85 MB
This joint report by the ICPC and the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore (CIL) results from a one-day law of the sea workshop jointly organised by the ICPC and CIL (with support from Infocomm Media Development Authority Singapore and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) following the 2024 ICPC Plenary that was held in Singapore. The report addresses key law of the sea issues and prospects for collaboration between industry and governments on installation, repair, protection, and security of submarine cables.

Routledge Handbook of Ocean Resources and Management - Chapter 23: Subsea Telecommunications Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 2.38 MB
The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Resources and Management was published by Earthscan from Routledge. Edited by Hance D Smith, Juan Luis de Suarez de Vivero and Tundi S Agardy. First published in 2015. Hardback ISBN 978-0-415-53175 and E-book ISBN-978-0-203-11539-8. Chapter 23 'Subsea Telecommunications' was jointly authored by Professor Lionel Carter (ICPC Marine Environmental Advisor) and Mr. Douglas Burnett (ICPC International Cable Law Advisor). In recognition of the importance of submarine telecommunications cables to our socio-economic well-being, this paper has been prepared to provide a readable account of these fibre-optic systems for the non-specialist.

An Introduction to the ICPC Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 1.18 MB
PDF slide presentation.

Submarine cables and the oceans: connecting the world Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 2.62 MB
A report prepared in collaboration with UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme), which is designed to provide an objective, factual description of the submarine cable industry and the interaction of submarine telecommunications with the marine environment.

About Submarine Telecommunications Cables - 2011 Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx) - 4.42 MB
Slide show presentation, which requires MS PowerPoint to be installed on your computer. An informative presentation on submarine telecommunications cables and their role in the modern world.

Acerca de Cables submarinos de telecomunicaciones Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 8.65 MB
Spanish language version of the above.

About Submarine Telecommunications Cables - 2011 Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 8.51 MB
PDF version of above.

About Submarine Power Cables - 2011 Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx) - 4.77 MB
Slide show presentation, which requires MS PowerPoint to be installed on your computer. An informative presentation on submarine power cables and how they work.

About Submarine Power Cables - 2011 Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 2.36 MB
PDF version of above.

Submarine Cable Network Security Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) - 4.68 MB
Slide show presentation, which requires MS PowerPoint to be installed on your computer. A presentation on the submarine cable network, the threats to cables and what governments can do to reduce the risks and speed the repair of damaged cables.

Submarine Cable Network Security Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 3.36 MB
PDF version of above.

Loss Prevention Bulletin - Damage to Submarine Cables Caused by Anchors Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 82 KB
A bulletin explaining the risk to cables from vessels having their anchor deployed while under way.

Critical Infrastructure - Submarine Telecommunications Cables Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide Show (.pps) - 1.63 MB
Slide show presentation, which requires MS PowerPoint to be installed on your computer. A presentation on the critical role of submarine cables to the global economy.

Critical Infrastructure - Submarine Telecommunications Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 2.33 MB
PDF version of above.

Fishing and Submarine Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 1.81 MB
Informative booklet showing how the fishing and submarine cable communities can work together.

Peche et Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 6.82 MB
French language version of Fishing and Submarine Cables.

Pesca y Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 2.81 MB
Spanish language version of Fishing and Submarine Cables.

Fishing and Cables (Korean language version) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 1.10 MB
Korean language version of Fishing and Submarine Cables.

A Bibliography of Submarine Communication and Power Cables (Issue 2 Dated June 2017) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 590 KB
Compiled by Christoph Kraus (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and Prof. Lionel Carter (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and ICPC Marine Environmental Advisor).

This bibliography is derived from references used in a series of publications made in association with the ICPC. As such, the references deal mainly with environmental aspects of submarine cables. However, when necessary, various aspects of cable technology are also covered, for example, a study underway into the recovery of the seabed from cable burial also deals with cable ploughs and their operation.

Direct Monitoring of Active Geohazards: Emerging Geophysical Tools for Deep-water Assessments Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 1.36 MB
A recent review by Dr Michael Clare (National Oceanography Centre, UK) and colleagues outlines a new phase of research into submarine landslides and turbidity currents – the main natural threats to submarine cables. The research centres on real-time monitoring of these hazards in order to determine their frequency, cause(s) and dynamics. One of the senior co-authors, Professor Peter Talling, was funded by a Royal Society Industry Fellowship, which was hosted by the ICPC. Reference: Clare, M.A., Vardy, M.E., Cartigny, M.J.B., Talling, P.J., Himsworth M.D., Dix, J.K., Harris, J.M., Whitehouse, R.J.S., Belal, M., 2017. Direct monitoring of active geohazards: emerging geophysical tools for deep-water assessments. Surface Geophysics, 15, 427-444. doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2017033.

Submarine Cables as a Sustainable Use of the Deep Sea Environment Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 3.07 MB
An ICPC presentation that was provided to an event in the Biodoversity Beyond National Jurisdiction negotiation process.

Submarine Cables and Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 2.61 MB
This paper was submitted by the ICPC to provide the PrepCom with information on submarine cables, their contribution to sustainable development and their relationship to the marine environment in areas beyond national jurisdiction. The views presented generally reflect the consensus of the international community of interest in submarine cables that includes cable owners, cable ship operators, marine route surveyors, scientific institutions and interested governments. Every effort, however, is made to provide references to peer reviewed scientific, engineering, and legal references to assist the diplomats to carry out a dispassionate review while working on “development of an internationally binding instrument under the United Nations Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction".

Seabed Recovery Following Protective Burial of Subsea Cables - Observations from the Continental Margin Research into the recovery of the seabed following protective burial of submarine power and communications cables shows that physical recovery is controlled mainly by the availability of sediment and the potential of that sediment to be eroded, transported and deposited. In that context, recovery is most rapid on the inner continental shelf, becoming less rapid with increasing water depth and distance from shore. Reference: Kraus, Christoph and Lionel Carter, 2018. Seabed recovery following protective burial of subsea cables – observations from the continental margin. Ocean Engineering 157, 251-261.
Paper available on request to Professor Lionel Carter (ICPC Marine Environmental Adviser) at

2025 ICPC Plenary: 15th - 17th April 2025

DoubleTree by Hilton, Montréal, QC, Canada

2025 ICPC Plenary
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