The 2002 EC Meeting agreed that the ICPC should have a web-based facility that collated all available information about what individual Members have done in relation to the fishing industry. This page has been created to start this process.
Cable Warning Chart Coverage Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 139 KB Issue 8 - ICPC Handbook Item 17. A list of cable warning charts available from ICPC Members.
Fishing and Submarine Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 1.81 MB Informative booklet showing how the fishing and submarine cable communities can work together. Acrobat PDF format.
The Kingfisher Information Service operates the KIS-CA project, which enables fishermen to receive information of cable routes and other physical details (e.g. repeaters, splices, etc), together with emergency contact numbers and procedures. The waters covered by the project are the North Sea, English Channel (La Manche), Bristol Channel/Southwest Approaches, Irish Sea and West of Scotland (i.e. ICES Areas IV, VII and VI) - and therefore include cables between the coasts of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Ireland and the UK.
The SIGCABLES site maintained by France Telecom, aims to inform sailors, and especially skippers of fishing vessels and their crews, about submarine cable routes and the risks to vessels incurred by fouling cables.