News Articles relating to ICPC goals

Updated Monday 05 October 2020
All at Sea Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 803 KB
Info Security Online Magazine Article 'All at Sea'. 29 December 2016. Features extracts from an interview with the ICPC General Manager on submarine cable security.

Cable Vision (Naval Institute Proceedings August 2011) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 369 KB
Article by ICPC's International Cable Legal Advisor, Doug Burnett, explaining the critical nature of submarine cables and the security challenges they present.

Cutting the Cord - The Legal Regime Protecting Undersea Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 295 KB
Article discussing the legal gap in relation to the treatment of submarine cables during times of war and the assumption that they remain legitimate targets. Ref: Lawfare 2017

Specialist Firms are Cashing in on the Treasure that Lies Below Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 264 KB
'Newswire' article on the pros and cons of the recovery of out of service cables. Includes comments by the ICPC's General Manager - 15 January 2017

Submarine Cables in the Law of Naval Warfare Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 99 KB
Article in Lawfare online magazine (10 July 2020).

Subsea Infrastructure Protection - The Protection Policy Context (SAMENA Trends Online Magazine, July 2011) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 190 KB
Online magazine article affirming the critical nature of submarine cables, risks posed to cables and discussing the need to provide adequate legal protection. Reproduced here by kind permission of the SAMENA Telecommunications Council.

The Economic Importance of Submarine Cables (Semaphore - Issue 2, 2012) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 53 KB
An article explaining the economic and strategic importance of submarine cables, published in Semaphore, an online publication of Sea Power Centre - Australia.

The Law of Maritime Neutrality and Submarine Cables Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 987 KB
Written by James Kraska. Featured in EJIL:Talk!, blog of the European Journal of International Law. James Kraska is Chairman and Charles H. Stockton Professor of International Maritime Law in the Stockton Center for International Law at the U.S. Naval War College.

The Other Side of Communications: Guardians of Global Connectivity - Ryan Wopschall, Pioneer Consulting, 2017. Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 6.45 MB
An article explaining how submarine cables form the backbone of the Internet and consequently are now critical to nations' economic growth and function of the global economy. The article also explains the international legislation that protects cables and recent developments with UNCLOS and UN initiatives. This article is reproduced here by kind permission of The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs.

Under the Sea (Shipping and Marine Magazine - September 2011) Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 1.77 MB
Lead Story in the September 2011 issue of Shipping and Marine, by the Media, Public Relations and Website Working Group and Dean Veverka (Chairman of the ICPC) highlighting the critical nature of submarine cables and the hazards presented to them by fishing gear and incorrectly stowed or trailed anchors.

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