International Cable Protection Committee

Sharing the seabed and oceans in harmony

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Membership Dues

Updated Monday 25 November 2024
The membership fees for Full Membership, Associate Membership and Government Observer status are set by the ICPC Executive Committee and invoiced annually in Great British Pounds.
Membership period: 1 July to 30 June.

Associate Membership 2200 UK Pounds
Associate Membership is available to any organization that has an interest in the submarine cable industry, wishes to be informed about its development and wants to support the ICPC in achieving its goals.

Government Observer 2200 UK Pounds
Government Observer status is available to any Governmental Entity.

Full Membership 2500 UK Pounds
Full Membership is available to Submarine Cable Owners, Submarine Cable Maintenance Authorities, Submarine Cable Manufacturers, Submarine Cable System Suppliers, Cable Ship Operators, Submarine Cable Recovery Companies, and Submarine Cable Route Survey Companies.

For any new Member joining the ICPC within the first six months of the membership year: The ICPC will invoice the member for 100 percent of the annual membership fee for that year and includes 2 registrations to the annual ICPC Plenary. Membership fees shall be payable in advance and no information shall be released by the ICPC until payment against the first invoice has been received and the Membership Agreement has been signed.

Pro-rated Membership fee: For any new Member joining ICPC within the second six months of the relevant membership year, the ICPC will invoice that member 50 percent of the annual membership, but the pro-rated membership will not include 2 registrations to the ICPC Plenary.

It is each individual Member’s responsibility to ensure that its membership fees are credited to The ICPC account in full without deduction of bank or currency conversion charges.

Membership fees are non-refundable except in the circumstances described in Sections 3e) and 15 of the Membership Agreement.

Membership Agreement Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 372 KB

Code of Conduct for meetings Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 31 KB
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