International Cable Protection Committee

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ICPC Recommendations

Updated Thursday 12 December 2024
An ICPC Recommendation is a guide to provide cable owners and other seabed users with technically accurate information to promote the highest goals of reliability and safety in the submarine cable environment. They are formed by collaborative working groups of ICPC members to form good practices across the submarine cable industry.

The documents below are provided on request to any organisation with a bona fide interest. Please apply using the Application Form at the bottom of this page.

Note: Issue status suffix ‘A’ relates to minor format changes, not an update of the content.

An International Cable Protection Committee Ltd ("ICPC") Recommendation ("Recommendation") implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. A Recommendation is intended as a guide to aid cable owners and other seabed users in promoting the highest goals of reliability and safety in the submarine cable environment.

The existence of a Recommendation does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the Recommendation or not, from laying or repairing undersea cables or employing procedures to these ends which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamanship or by the special circumstances of each case, but which may not be conforming to the Recommendation.

The ICPC does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of a Recommendation in the name of the ICPC. The ICPC and its members do not accept any liability for any errors in the Recommendation or for any consequences resulting from its use as a planning guide. Nothing in this Recommendation should be viewed as relieving anyone from the rights and obligations of seabed users under international law, including but not limited to the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea ("UNCLOS").

NB: ICPC Recommendations are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest issues. Recommendations may be revised or withdrawn at any time without further notice to the recipient.
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Recovery of Out of Service Cables
This document provides recommendations in relation to a submarine cable system that has been decommissioned or taken out of service.
Recommended Routing and Coordinating Criteria for Submarine Telecommunications Cables in Proximity to Other Such Cables
Provides assistance to cable owners and those planning submarine cable systems that cross or are in close proximity to existing in-service cables. Owners of existing cables which may be crossed by a planned cable should also find assistance from this recommendation in reaching agreement on the manner of any proposed crossing or close approach by a new cable system.
Telecommunications Cable and Oil Pipeline / Power Cables Crossing Criteria
Provides guidance to those who are faced with the situation of cases of crossings between telecommunications cables, power cables and pipelines, for the first time.
Co-ordination Procedures for Repair Operations Near In Service Cable Systems
Recommendation regarding damage to a cable as a result of repair operations on another cable.
Recommendation for Common Format for Cable Awareness Charts
A common and successful method to communicate cable route information in order to minimize damage to the cable. Nautical charts are being converted into electronic format. The size and format of the charts can be customized to increase acceptance by specific user groups.
Recommended Actions for Effective Cable Protection (Post Installation)
Concerns post-installation measures to mitigate the risk of cable faults caused by human activities such as fishing and vessel anchoring. The measures described in this recommendation have been used as components of effective cable risk mitigation programs.
Offshore Civil Engineering Work in the Vicinity of Active Submarine Cable Systems
Procedure to be followed while civil engineering or offshore construction work is undertaken in the vicinity of active submarine cable systems.
Procedure To Be Followed Whilst Offshore Seismic Survey Work Is Undertaken In The Vicinity Of Active Submarine Cable Systems
Procedure to be followed whilst offshore seismic survey work is undertaken in the vicinity of active submarine cable systems.
Minimum Technical Requirements for a Desktop Study
Recommends on the minimum technical requirements of a Desktop Study (DTS) in order to ensure that the requirements are satisfactorily met. Properly performed, the DTS and the Marine Route Survey will identify the safest and most technically viable route for use.
The Minimum Requirements for Load and Lay Reporting and Charting
The successful maintenance of a submarine cable system is dependent on the accuracy and completeness of information recorded in the Load and Lay Reporting (LLR).
Recommended Common Format for Electronic Formatting of Route Position Lists
Establishes a common format for electronic files of submarine cable system Route Position List (RPL) information in order to simplify data flow between different computer applications.
Mechanical Testing of Submarine Telecommunications Cables
Facilitates a consistent approach to the mechanical testing of a submarine cable during its design stage.
The Proximity of Offshore Renewable Wind Energy Installations and Submarine Cable Infrastructure in National Waters
The objective is to focus on proximity between the various offshore wind farm structures (OWF) and submarine cables. There are common interests between offshore wind farm developers/owners and cable owners regarding safety, access and maintenance and there is a necessity for the parties to spatially interact in terms of access to the seabed.
Basic Power Safety Procedures that are to be followed by Marine Repair Operators and Terminal Station Personnel during Subsea Cable Repair Activities
This recommendation confirms the basic Power Safety Procedures to be followed by Marine Repair Operators and Terminal Station personnel during submarine cable repair activities. Each operator and contractor will have its own procedures and documentation, but the overall guidelines set forth in this document should be followed by each operator and contractor to ensure the safety of all personnel.
Procedure to be Followed Whilst Marine Aggregate Extraction, Dredging or Mining is Undertaken in the Vicinity of Active Submarine Cable Systems
There is an increased risk of submarine cable systems being damaged and/or exposed when any seabed extraction operations are conducted in the vicinity of active submarine cable systems. All parties would therefore benefit if such operations are conducted following consultation and agreement on acceptable parameters/control mechanisms and with due regard to known risks.
Considerations for Marking Submarine Cables
Higher level considerations are provided here rather than a set of detailed specifications. This Recommendation should form the basis of any method for marking cables and record keeping.
Submarine Cable Operations in Deep Seabed Mining Concessions Designated by the International Seabed Authority
Access removed pending revision
Recommends procedures for due diligence for submarine cable operations associated with laying and repair in concessions designated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for the exploration and/or exploitation of mineral resources in the Area.
Minimum Technical Requirements for the Acquisition and Reporting of Submarine Cable Route Surveys
This document recommends good practice in the acquisition and reporting of submarine cable route surveys and the subsequent burial assessment of submarine cables.
Preparatory Actions for Civil Claims Development for Cable Damage
Promotion of industry best practices for the investigation and development of evidence in support of civil claims to recover compensation in the event of cable damage and to outline options for pursuing civil claims from vessel operators responsible for damaging submarine cables – whether in bilateral negotiations or in civil or common law jurisdictions.

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