International Cable Protection Committee

Sharing the seabed and oceans in harmony

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ICPC Webinar

Updated Thursday 27 September 2018

Cables and the Marine Environment - From Ocean to Cloud

In this webinar, Lionel Carter presents and addresses questions from attendees in a hour-long insightful session.

Submarine fibre-optic cables underpin the digital revolution by providing a safe, cost effective means of moving vast amounts of data around the globe at the speed of light. Cables are thus of vital social and economic importance - fact long recognised by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). With that thought in mind, and given the heightened interest in environmental protection, this webinar delves into cables and their interaction with the marine environment. The nature of cables, their effect on the seabed, response to natural hazards and resilience in an increasingly busy ocean, are all covered in this well-illustrated and entertaining talk.

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