International Cable Protection Committee

Sharing the seabed and oceans in harmony

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2025 Plenary Meeting

Updated Thursday 23 January 2025

2025 ICPC Plenary: 15th – 17th April

‘The Big Squeeze: Geopolitics & Spatial Planning’

Montréal, Canada

The International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) is now calling on those interested in presenting at the next Plenary that will be held in the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel in Montréal, Canada from 15th – 17th April 2025.

Call for Presentations

Under the Plenary theme ‘The Big Squeeze: Geopolitics & Spatial Planning,’ ICPC seeks presentation abstracts highlighting the following topics related to the submarine cable industry:
  • Case Studies: Share your insights into interesting projects, technical activities, challenges from the submarine cable industry.
    • We strongly encourage submittal of industry case studies to share practical experience on topics relating to cable protection, cable damage, cable installation/repair and other activities.
  • Increasing Marine Use: What are the challenges, risks, and opportunities for submarine cables in the face of rapidly increasing ocean and seabed use and regulation?
  • Sharing the seabed and oceans in harmony in the face of geopolitics: In a complex geopolitical world, submarine cables are under increased scrutiny from governments and the media. What does this mean in practical terms for cable operators?
  • Submarine cable protection: Fishing and anchoring are the primary causes of cable damage globally, share your insights on cable protection developments through e.g. charting innovation, technology, or new or emerging initiatives such as new regional groups.
  • Building the evidence base: To work alongside other marine activities and in harmony with the marine environment, a solid evidence base is needed to describe, document and explain the submarine cable industry. Share your insights into improving knowledge and understanding of submarine cables from around the world on topics such as environmental interactions; socioeconomics; technical matters; interaction with other marine uses; geopolitics; and installation in new geographies.
  • Submarine cable law and regulation: Exploring the intersection between commercial cable development and operations, and regulatory and jurisdictional creep and policy development.
The topics listed above are not limited, so additional ideas are welcome for consideration. As well, our Members really value your subsea cable project experiences and ICPC encourages submission of Case Studies.

2025 ICPC Call for Presentations Issue 2 Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf) - 610 KB

About the Plenary: A cornerstone event for our organisation, the ICPC Plenary attracts global attendance and has always provided valuable opportunities to exchange ideas on the planning, installation, operation, protection, and maintenance of cables, to learn from colleagues facing similar challenges, and to get up to date with environmental and legal aspects of submarine cables. This annual event provides tremendous benefits for ICPC Members, presenters, and exhibitors. The Plenary agenda includes presentations, break-out sessions, invited guest speakers, networking opportunities and much more!
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